Kitchen reorganisation

I should be studying, but instead I've had the urge to reorganise my kitchen on a complete whim!  I blame Alejandra.  I keep watching her videos and wishing for a neat and tidy existence.

I've found so much out of date food it's practically criminal and packets which have been ruined by inadequate storage.  A Glebe cake mix that was only just out of date has gone in the oven for an afternoon reward.

Once I had purged the old packets I worked out what new storage was needed and popped into town for an hour.  Luckily TK Maxx had some Lock & Locks for £1.99 so I scooped them up.  They are my favourite storage containers as the kids and even SMO can't fail to put the lids on properly.

I also treated myself to these from Lakeland.
 Caddy Stack Storage Caddy
They are now full of food packets, baking supplies and the lids off of spare food containers.  

Now, what shall I clear out next?




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